a large noisy uncontrolled crowd, in which people are moving in different directions & sometimes fighting with each other:
Đang xem: Melee là gì
In the melee of actions that occur in daily life, và in the social interaction of self with others, this bodybased signature is a highly useful tool.
Bạn đang đọc: Là Gì? Nghĩa Của Từ Melee Là Gì Trong Tiếng Việt? Melee Là Gì
Các quan điểm của những ví dụ không biểu hiện ý kiến của những chỉnh sửa viên ulmrave.com ulmrave.com hoặc của ulmrave.com University Press tốt của các bên cấp giấy phép. As regards the number of arrests, in the sort of melees and disorders that were taking place last night such action is very difficult. There is one other aspect of the special category of prisoners that seems to have sầu got lost in the general melee of discussion about them. The game serves primarily as an action rpg wherein the player can perform brutal melee attaông xã combos as well as dazzling magic spells.Xem thêm: Tải Phần Mềm Thi Trắc Nghiệm Trên Máy Tính Phiên Bản Mới 2017
A cavalry charge by horsemen on both sides provoked a melee, và the decision came down khổng lồ the opposing sides of infantry. Knuckle simply describes that they are mostly melee, but contain most of the strangest borgs in the game. Due to lớn requirements of larger safety zones lớn protect spectators from ricochets and overshots, combat archery is usually limited khổng lồ large melees.an area of a country that is protected by the government because of its natural beauty or because it has a special history
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