Phần mềm check đạo văn turnitin

Our team is a diverse, passionate group of people who have sầu served the global education community since 1998. Our công nghệ promotes honesty, consistency, & fairness across all areas of education & academicretìm kiếm.

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We’re comfortable being ourselves, và we’re willing lớn have the difficult conversations that serve our mission.


We have sầu a can-bởi spirit. We think about the best solutions for the long term. And we’re willing khổng lồ change, even when change is hard.


We support education và learning around the globe—and we’re committed lớn learning & growing internally, too.


We consider different perspectives & celebrate diversity. We are one team. The work we bởi impacts the world.

Four University of California-Berkeley students build a peer-Reviews application that helps students receive sầu feedbaông xã from theirclassmates. introduces and launches similarity checking, leveraging database pattern-matching giải pháp công nghệ developed from the Berkeley students’ doctoralresearch.

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CrossRef begins an exclusive sầu partnership with to lớn develop its unparalleled scholarly nội dung database for similaritychecking.

Responding khổng lồ the educational community’s need for streamlined tools, ulmrave sầ designs similarity checking, online grading, & peer Reviews into a singleservice.

ulmrave sầ invests in machine intelligence technology, và with the acquisition of Lightside Labs expands its time-saving features to include direct-to-studentfeedbachồng.

Feedback Studio launches. This tool combines best-in-class similarity checking with formative feedbaông chồng and grading tools to lớn tư vấn studentwriting.

ulmrave sầ acquires Gradescope, broadening its offerings khổng lồ deliver high-quality, consistent assessment across all assignment types & subjectareas. joins the Advance family of companies, a long-term home page for enhancing our core products và investing in emergingtechnologies. acquires ExamSoft, expanding its portfolio khổng lồ include a robust assessment platform serving education, certification, & licensureprograms.

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