Tải game chicken invaders

Chicken Invaders is a shooter game released in 1999 designed and developed by InterAction Studgame ios. Chicken Invaders can be described as a full free version game and can be played on the following operating systems: Windows.Chicken Invaders is also a multiplayer game. Chicken Invaders is part of the Chicken Invaders series.

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“Sometime in the near future, Earth is invaded by chickens from another galaxy, bent on revenge against the human race for oppressing earth chickens! Take the world"s fate in your hands (or at least have sầu an omelette) in this modern rendition of the 80"s classic. Save sầu the world today!” - InterAction Studios
“Chicken Invaders is a high chất lượng Galaxian/Space Invaders bộ combo clone. However, it has several features not found in the original space invaders games. Your character"s goal is to destroy the chicken army using his missiles and gradually improving weapon. Drumsticks và gift boxes strengthen your fighting capability. Unlike the original space invaders game, Chicken Invaders features high chất lượng 3-d graphics, asteroid levels, & even bosses. It also includes a high score.“

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