Ocean Of Games » Prototype 1 Free Download

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Prototype Free Download PC trò chơi pre-installed in direct liên kết. Prototype was released on Jun 10, 2009

About The Game

You are the Prototype, Alex Mercer, a man without memory armed with amazing shape-shifting abilities, hunting your way lớn the heart of the conspiracy which created you; making those responsible pay.

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Game Features:

Fast và Deadly Shape-Shifting Combat: Reconfigure your body toàn thân to the situation at hand. From Claws to lớn Blades lớn Hammers to lớn Whips, choose the right weapon for the situation. Change khổng lồ a shield or armor for defense, or use advanced sensory powers (thermal vision, infected vision) khổng lồ track your enemiesOver-the-Top Locomotion và Agility: Seamlessly và fluidly bound from building to lớn building, run up walls, bounce off cars & everything in your path. Adaptive parkour lets you move sầu freely through the open-world environments of New York City.Unique Disguising Abilities: Consume anyone at anytime, take on their appearances and assume their memories & special abilities.

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Deep, Conspiracy-Driven Storyline: Wake up with no memory of the past…just mysterious powers and a liên kết khổng lồ a town in Idaho. Delve inlớn the mysteries of your origin, the true nature of your power và your part in a conspiracy 40 years in the making.


How khổng lồ Download và Install Prototype

Clichồng the Download button below và you should be redirected khổng lồ UploadHaven.Wait 5 seconds & click on the xanh ‘download now’ button. Now let the tải về begin và wait for it to lớn finish.Double cliông xã inside the Prototype thư mục & run the exe cộ application.Have fun và play! Make sure lớn run the game as administrator and if you get any missing dll errors, look for a Redist or _CommonRedist thư mục và install all the programs in the folder.

Prototype Free Download

Clichồng the download button below lớn start Prototype Free Download with direct liên kết. It is the full version of the game. Don’t forget to lớn run the game as administrator.

PrototypeSize: 5.33 GB

NOTICE: This game is already pre-installed for you, meaning you don’t have lớn install it. If you get any missing dll errors, make sure lớn look for a _Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install directx, vcredist and all other programs in that folder. You need these programs for the game to lớn run. Look for a ‘HOW TO RUN GAME!!.txt’ file for more help. Also, be sure lớn right cliông chồng the exe cộ và always select “Run as administrator” if you’re having problems saving the game. Always disable your anti virut before extracting the game to lớn prsự kiện it from deleting the craông chồng files. If you need additional help, clichồng here

System Requirements

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