Hey, ulmrave.com. I'm at the over of my ngân hàng of knowledge on this sort of thing, and I'm at the point where I'm getting pissed off. My friend và I want lớn play Diablo 2 over Hamađưa ra, but there seems lớn be something wrong. What I've sầu noticed is, when I press TCP/IPhường, the IP address it shows is my IPv4 & not Hamachi's IP., so I don't know if that's the issue.
Đang xem: Cách đùa diablo 2 qua hamachi
Things we've tried:
-Doing nothing, & when trying to lớn join putting in the host's house IP., IPv4, Default Gateway, Hamađưa ra IPv4
-Looking up tutorials & going into lớn user settings và being a joiner, changing the host's VPN Alias khổng lồ have matching subnets
-Shutting down firewall, & trying everything named above
-Obviously trying lớn have each of us host, neither of us can successfully vì chưng so.
Help, ulmrave.com?