This thread is intended to lớn be an overview/guide for setting up your very own multiplayer sessions for di động in the 1.3 era. As a reminder, you now have several options for hosting and playing multiplayer as compared to 1.2 era mobile, where it was limited lớn device-hosted local only. As a reminder, all of the following are now possible:Local Device-Hosted Local PC-HostedOnline Device-Hosted (Wifi Only)Online PC-HostedMultiplayer works across device families, so you should have no trouble connecting Android to lớn iOS, Phones to Tablets, etc.In general, Smartphone Multiplayer now works like non-Steam PC multiplayer, so any guides or articles on that topic could also be useful if the guide below does not meet your needs. With all of that said, let”s get started!
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Introduction khổng lồ the Multiplayer Menu/Interface on điện thoại 1.3Multiplayer FeaturesMultiplayer Hosting OptionsHosting via PCHosting via sản phẩm điện thoại DeviceConnecting to a Game
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This section will help you become familiar with the new Multiplayer Menu on Mobile Once you tap the Multiplayer option on the main menu and you select which player you want to use (or make a new one!), you will be whisked away to the screen shown below.
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On the Online tab, you will see a danh sách of past online servers on which you have played before. The info here includes the name và evil present on the world as well as world form size và normal vs expert. Next khổng lồ that you will see the IP. address và Port for each hệ thống (we have blocked those out here for obvious reasons). You have sầu several controls here at your disposal:Favorite: Star this hệ thống as a favorite. This will place it at the top of the các mục và will make you unable to accidentally remove it from your list.Add: Join a new server on which you have sầu not previously played or is not on your menu (because you removed it)That”s pretty much it for the main multiplayer menu! There are more details, of course, but let”s dive into lớn those when we get khổng lồ each related section.Return to lớn Table of Contents
Once you get in-game, you will notice a few new features available that you will not see during a Single Player game. Let”s take a moment to go over those & how they work, shall we?First up is our brand new in-game multiplayer chat system! With this, you can type out messages to lớn your fellow players without ever having lớn leave sầu the game. Here”s how it works…See that little chat bubble in the upper right corner? View attachment 225667 Where the Tutorial Lightbulb is on Single Player? That”s how you bring up the multiplayer chat! Simply tap that button to lớn bring up the chatbox (seen in the upper middle of the screenshot above).Within the chatbox, you can see every message that players or the hệ thống has sent by swipe-scrolling up/down. If you want to lớn say something to lớn everyone, tap the pencil inhỏ or the text box that says “Write your message here…”. This will bring up your device”s keyboard where you can punch in whatever you want lớn say. Once you hit enter, your message will appear both in the chatbox và over the top of your character in the world.To cthua trận the chatbox, simply tap the chat bubble icon again.When you are in a multiplayer session, you also get access to the Multiplayer Menu. From here, you can see what other players on the VPS are doing, join up in teams, enable/disable PvPhường., and even teleport to lớn friends! . This will bring up the screen shown above.From here, you can vì chưng the following (& here”s how):See what other players are doing – each player has their very own portrait listed here. You will be able to lớn see their current appearance & an animated view of what they are doing at that very moment.Join Teams – simply tap a colored shield inhỏ to place your player on that colored team. This is very handy for group exploration, to know where everyone is, & for certain PvPhường modes (looking at you, Capture the Gem!).Teleport – this allows you to lớn teleport instantly to lớn another player on the hệ thống, with two important pre-requisites:The player lớn which you want lớn teleport must be on the same team color as you. If you meet both criteria, simply tap the player you want khổng lồ teleport lớn và then tap the Teleport button (it will be grayed out if you are not able to lớn vì so)Enable/Disable PvP.. – want khổng lồ take on your friends và enemies? Once you enable PvPhường, your player will take damage from any other player that also has PvP enabled (và vice versa). Tapping this button will toggle PvPhường on/off for your player.Teammates (same color) should be immune from friendly fire. mobile now offers you a few options for hosting your very own game. We will cover these briefly & then go into lớn detail on how to set up each of these.DEVICE-HOSTEDThis is where you choose to host the game for others via your điện thoại device.Please rethành viên that you will still need a Wifi connection for hostingAlso note that less-powerful devices will be less capable of hostingThis means you should not try khổng lồ host a VPS with a ton of people on lower end devicesPerformance will also be impacted by factors such as the power of the host”s device, their internet connection, và the number of players/size of the world/what is going on in-game/etc.So – choose your host wisely! PC SERVER-HOSTEDAlong with the Mobile 1.3 update, we are releasing a standalone PC program that will allow you khổng lồ run a thiết bị di động hệ thống from your PC. This allows for a more stable hosting environment – one with stronger hardware và that you can leave up 24/7 if you wanted khổng lồ.That said, as with Device Hosting, the quality of the hosting will be dependent on the host”s hardware và connection – so choose wisely!The dedicated Smartphone Server for PC is located via the link below and is also available at the bottom of – there is no charge for this VPS program.Once you have the program downloaded và unzipped (save sầu it wherever you like), you are ready lớn get started setting up your very own PC-based sản phẩm điện thoại server!Before you get started, however, you will need to be sure to lớn Port Forward the router from which you plan to host. We recommover using the default port of 7777. There are tons of guides on how lớn vị this on the mạng internet – and we know that every router is a bit different, but here are some guides that we like:Once you have sầu completed this crucial step, you are ready khổng lồ get started! Here”s how:Find the “ulmrave.comServer.exe” file in the folder where you saved it after unzippingDoubleclichồng or otherwise open this fileYou may need khổng lồ be sure that your antivirus does not bloông chồng the programYou will also need khổng lồ grant access to lớn your My Documents thư mục for this program (located in your antivirus settings, or you may be prompted by your antivirus program with a popup)You should see the following:NOTE: If you see errors referencing XNA problems, you may need to lớn tải về and install Download Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 from Official Microsoft Download Center (you may need to lớn find the version for your language/region). After installing (& possibly rebooting), try running “ulmrave.comServer.exe” again.
From this window, you can either select a world that you have sầu already created or create a new world.Worlds created/hosted via the di động Dedicated Server for PC will be saved in My Documents>My Games>>Mobile>WorldsThis is to lớn keep these separate from your PC worlds (if you own the PC version), as the two are not compatible & you would risk all sorts of issues trying to load one into lớn the other. lưu ý that you can also pull your worlds to-from your di động device using the cloud (Google Drive or iCloud) as a bridge between the twoCopy the world from your PC/điện thoại Device inkhổng lồ the cloud using native Files appsCopy the world to lớn your PC thiết bị di động folder/your Device from the cloudGuides to the new File system & how to lớn move files are belowIf you choose lớn create a new world, simply press N và Enter và then follow the prompts khổng lồ select your world kích thước, expert/normal, and so on. Once worldren is completed, it will be added khổng lồ your danh mục for selection.To get the server going:Select the world on which you want lớn play by typing in its corresponding number and then hit Enter. (for example, pressing 1 – Enter would load Cipher World in the example above)Next, select the maximum number of players you want lớn allow. This can be between 2-8 players. Press the number & then press Enter. Pressing Enter only will mặc định lớn 8 max players.Next select which Server Port you want to lớn use. To keep this simple, we recommend that you just press Enter here to lớn keep it lớn the mặc định Port (7777). You will be prompted to lớn automatically port forward. This feature does not work most of the time due to lớn differences in routers/modems, unfortunately, so just press Enter again. On the final screen, you will be asked if you want lớn set a password lớn join the server.Pressing Enter only means no password. If you want a password, simply type it in and press EnterOnce you have sầu pressed Enter on the password screen & let the program vì chưng its thing, you should see the following:That”s it! Your VPS is now up and can be joined from any Local Mobile device. Online will require a couple of additional steps, but let”s cover those in the Connecting To a trò chơi Section. Once you are ready to lớn cthua thảm things down, have everyone else exit the game và then head into lớn your server window & type Exit & press Enter to cthất bại things down for the day.IMPORTANT: If you are planning to have sầu people join your VPS via an online connection, you will need to lớn provide them with your external IP.. address. This can easily be found via What Is My IPhường Address? IPhường. Address Tools and More Once you have your IPhường. address and Port (if you followed our advice, that should be 7777) – anyone to whom you provide this info (along with a password, if you mix one) will be able to lớn join your server. So – be careful with whom you trust that info! One last tip we will nói qua is that the mobile Dedicated Server for PC gives you a handful of useful commands that you can use within the server window. These are pretty self-explanatory we hope:The Wiki has a great guide for setting up non-Steam PC servers as well – & since this is very much based on a similar system, you may find this useful: Guide:Setting up a serverOk, so that covers hosting via the Dedicated Server for PC… what about if you want to lớn host from your Smartphone device? We have sầu you covered there too! Before we start, here are a few things to lớn remember:You need lớn be on Wifi to host.The newer/better device and better connection that you have sầu, the more you will be able lớn host và the better performance everyone will receive. Remember that your hardware/connection will affect everyone else too. SO – PICK YOUR HOST CAREFULLY!With that out of the way, let”s get started!To host a game from your device, tap on the Multiplayer Menu to lớn get started.Once there, choose the Host option from the Local tab. You will be prompted to select a world on which you want to lớn play with your friends. You can always create a new one from this screen just like in Single Player if you so choose. Once you have sầu selected your world, you should see the following screen:Pretty straight-forward stuff here.The Max Players Slider allows you to lớn adjust the upper limit for simultaneous players on the VPS at one time.The Password Box, when tapped, will bring up your device”s keyboard so that you can enter any password you wish. Anyone wanting lớn connect khổng lồ your VPS will need this!When you have things set up the way you want, press the Play button, wait for the system to vì chưng its thing & load you into lớn the game… & you are officially hosting a điện thoại Multiplayer session!If you want lớn host online, however, you will need lớn be sure to lớn Port Forward the router from which you plan to lớn host. We recommend using the mặc định port of 7777. There are tons of guides on how to lớn bởi vì this on the mạng internet – và we know that every router is a bit different, but here are some guides that we like:VERY IMPORTANT: If you are going lớn host from your thiết bị di động Device, you *MUST* use the internal IPhường address tied to your DEVICE in the port forwarding process. Most online guides (lượt thích the ones above) assume you will be using a PC. This is really easy information khổng lồ find, however:ANDROID:Go to “Settings” & tap on “Wi-Fi” settings”.Here tap & hold on your connected network và then select ”Manage network settings”.Now check the checkbox next to lớn “Show advanced options” & select “Static” under “IPhường settings”You’ll find the device internal IP address under the “Gateway” section.iOS:Go to lớn “Settings”Tap on WifiTap the little i button with a circle around it located next to the wifi network to lớn which you are connected.You’ll find the device internal IP address next to the second entry labeled “IP. Address”IMPORTANT: If you are planning to lớn have sầu people join your server via an online connection, you will need lớn provide them with your external IP. address. This can easily be found via What Is My IPhường. Address? IPhường Address Tools and More Once you have your IPhường address và Port (if you followed our advice, that should be 7777) – anyone to lớn whom you provide this info (along with a password, if you mix one) will be able to lớn join your VPS. So – be careful with whom you trust that info! Return to Table of ContentsCONNECTING TO A GAMEAlright, so you – or a friover – have sầu the hệ thống hosted và all phối and you are ready to lớn connect and get playing – here”s how we bởi vì that!Connecting khổng lồ a Local Hosted trò chơi is simple & straight-forward. Start off in the Multiplayer Menu.
From here, you should be able khổng lồ see any & all available Locally-Hosted Servers (aka on the same wifi network). To join, simply tap the hệ thống that you want to lớn join và press the Play Button.If the server has no password, you will immediately start loading into that world và you should be ready to lớn play in mere momentsIf the server does have a password, you will be prompted lớn enter that first.Connecting lớn an Online game requires just a few more steps than a Local game. Let”s cover those & get you playing!Start off once again in the Multiplayer Menu – this time, let”s tap the Online tab. You should see the following:The danh mục of past servers here will show off any online games you have sầu joined in the past, along with key information. For details on all of this see our Introduction lớn the Multiplayer Menu/Interface on điện thoại 1.3 Section. For now, let”s assume you vày not have sầu any servers saved (because you won”t when you first start out ).To Add a New Server:Press the Add Button. You should then see the screen below:Enter the Port number – if your host has followed our guide or used the mặc định for, this should be 7777, so more than likely just leave sầu this alone (we already filled it in for you – aren”t we nice?)Press the Play ButtonIf your host has not placed a password on the server, then you will be in the game in mere moments!If your host has placed a password on the server (which, hopefully they have sầu provided lớn you), you will be prompted lớn enter that password next.Once you enter the password & press enter on your device”s keyboard – presuming you enter the right password, of course – you will join your friends momentarily for some online goodness!Well, that”s it in a nutshell! We hope that you found this guide helpful in getting going with thiết bị di động Multiplayer! If you are still encountering issues, you can always ask for further help in the following locations: