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Surely you know Tiny Troopers, interesting strategy game launched on PC & iOS operating system in 2012. This is a drag-and-drop action game, bringing players lớn The harsh mission of the war through the battle of the tiny army. 30 levels và hundreds of small quests will be special challenges for players.

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After many awards for the PC version and the huge number of Đánh Giá on the Appstore, the publisher Chillingo decided khổng lồ release the second part of this game called Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops. Although there are not many changes in the gameplay, it can not be denied that the second part has been upgraded và improved a lot in the graphics along with a number of interesting features.

Overview information

NamePackagePublisherCategoryVersionSizeMOD FeaturesRequires
Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops
com.chillingo.tinytroopers2.app android.rowgplay
Unlocked, Money
Android 4.0.3, iOS 8.0

Drag và drop gameplay

You are a good commander in the military with elite soldiers. Meanwhile, the world is in turmoil when terrorism và war happen everywhere. Now is the time for your team lớn go out there và fight the terrorists, protect the innocent.

The gameplay of Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops is not much different from its predecessor. You can control your soldiers khổng lồ appear by dragging & dropping on the positions you want on the battlefield & then touching them to lớn move or attaông chồng. Continuous movement is a way for your troops khổng lồ be hard lớn hit, but it also requires your concentration because this war is very fierce, just a small mistake you have to pay by many lives.


Each cấp độ of the game is interwoven with a number of small tasks, such as protecting innocent civilians, destroying buildings, destroying enemy radar, or simply keeping the entire team alive sầu. At some first màn chơi, your task is relatively easy. However, as your opponent’s firepower gets stronger, it’s time lớn use other weapons. As this is a modern warfare, use more specialized units such as Grenadier, Medic, Flamer or Machine Gunner to boost your firepower.

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Upgrade your troops


Comm& Point is the main currency in Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops, which you can earn by killing enemies or buying directly by cash. Also, after completing the side missions you will receive sầu a medal & then you can use it lớn nâng cấp your troops. Compared to the previous game, the game has a big change that is allowing you to lớn permanently tăng cấp armor and weapons instead of limiting in a few levels. This allows players to lớn feel the development of themselves during the game.

Some new modes

In addition lớn the default mode, Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops has many more interesting modes such as zombie, survival, … to lớn make your experience more diverse. In zombie mode, you have sầu lớn calculate khổng lồ survive the longest before the attacks of scary zombies in three different maps.


The graphics of Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops have sầu been upgraded a lot compared to lớn the previous one. Sharp graphics, more effects, & improved sound. The sound of guns, bombs, tanks, and screams of soldiers makes fighting in the game more epic.

Through a few levels, you will feel the game does not have sầu many new things in addition khổng lồ repeated battles. In order lớn make your experience a fresh one, the game allows you to lớn buy some more military outfits that make them look more humorous. I think, Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops is for those who love sầu strategy games, if you are looking for a fast paced action game, then this is probably not a good choice.

Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops is không tính tiền on Android/iOS

Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops is available on both iOS và Android platforms, allowing you to download for không lấy phí. Note: The game supports Android 4.0.3+ & iOS 8.0+.We put the liên kết below the article, clichồng it to lớn download the game to lớn your phone.

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