Fire Emblem: Three Houses is the first full-fledged Fire Emblem game khổng lồ release on Nintenvì chưng Switch, & in the series’ triumphant return to home consoles, it has changed significantly. This is not the same strategy-role-playing game we’ve seen in the past. There’s a greater emphasis on your choices & your relationships with the students at the Garegg Mach monastery. It still contains many classic Fire Emblem elements, including turn-based battles and a variety of classes, but even veteran players will have sầu some new things khổng lồ learn.
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Choosing a house in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
As the game’s name suggests, Fire Emblem: Three Houses revolves around three separate houses of students at the Garegg Mach monastery — The Golden Deer, Blachồng Eagles, và Blue Lions are each captained by a different noble from separate regions on the continent of Fódlan. Each house specializes in certain areas which is something lớn keep in mind when choosing which house you want khổng lồ lead. You can recruit students in other houses, but this takes a bit of work.
Blue Lions: The Blue Lions, led by Prince Dimitri, is a good choice for those who are unfamiliar with the Fire Emblem series as well as those who lượt thích lớn get up-close-and-personal with their combat. The house focuses on knight classes, excelling at sword & lance combat, making it perfect for those who want to lớn maintain a strong cavalry.
Blaông xã Eagles: The Blaông chồng Eagles are led by Princess Edelgard, and is a good choice for those who wish to deal damage with magic users. Because many early enemies you face will use melee attacks, this can a difficult class lớn start with, but as you cấp độ up your students & make class progress, you will also be able khổng lồ eliminate heavily armored targets with ease.
Golden Deer: The Gold Deer are led by Claude, & excel in ranged bow combat. Claude himself is a skilled archer and you will be able to lớn utilize several other bow-wielding characters early on, alongside a few magic-wielders. You can also quickly màn chơi up the defensive capabilities of certain students, making them take the brunt of attacks as you fire arrows from behind.
How the class system works in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Like all previous Fire Emblem games, Three Houses breaks characters inlớn separate classes. Where the game differs, however, is in the amount of choice it gives you over who is put in what class. When you begin Three Houses, almost all of the characters you meet will be placed in starter classes such as “noble” or “commoner,” meaning they can be promoted into lớn whichever class you think suits them best – provided they have met prerequisites & pass the certification exam.
To take the first certification exam, a character needs lớn reach màn chơi 5 và have sầu a grade of D for a weapon that falls into lớn one of the four beginner class. You can then use a Beginner Seal & demo them for placement. You’ll be given a handful of Beginner Seals early on in the game but you can also purchase them at the thành công siêu thị.
Keep in mind that the beginner classes are intentionally broad, & you’ll continue developing several of each student’s skills throughout the game. Each student can also become certified in more than one class and can swap between them.
The four starting classes
Myrmidon: Melee-focused attacker with high tốc độ và damage.Soldier: Wields a lance, excels in defense và melee combat.Fighter: Versatile fighter who can use bows, gauntlets, & axes.Monk: Magic-user who can focus on dealing damage, healing, or both.Choosing your later classes
These expand significantly at cấp độ 10 with the Intermediate classes, which can be earned by using an Intermediate Seal and taking the certification exam. It’s here that you’ll truly start narrowing the path for each character. Will your Fighter become a highly-protected Armored Knight và sacrifice speed, or giảm giá khuyến mãi tremendous damage as a Brigand? Will your Monk focus on healing and become a Priest or attaông xã as a Mage?
The choice is yours, but it isn’t as simple as picking a class and automatically passing the exam. You must increase each characters’ grades for specific skills khổng lồ make them suited for a particular class. A Cavalier, for instance, will require you lớn have a C in lance combat và D in riding. A potential Archer should have a grade C bow skill.
Raising grades
There are a variety of ways you can get skills up lớn par. Completing missions and using the required weapon for the desired class in battle are the most obvious. The riding, flying, and heavy armor abilities are skills that aren’t as easy to lớn raise the grade for. For these abilities, you will want khổng lồ make use of the lectures you hold for the students each week.
When Sunday rolls around, opt for manual instruction instead of auto-instruct. This option lets you choose which skills to lớn focus on. You can also adjust the focus of each student under Goals, & under Group Tasks, can assign two students khổng lồ work together on projects that raise heavy armor, riding, & flying.
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Ensure that you are playing lớn your student’s strengths. Students will occasionally come lớn you & request to lớn focus on a certain phối of skills because they are interested in a specific class. You’ll find if you let them vày this, their motivation will stay much higher.
You also want to keep your roster balanced. Keep a few heavily-armored characters with high defensive sầu stats, some damage-dealers, and some magic-wielding characters with high resistance on your team. Composing a balanced buổi tiệc ngọt will prepare you for whatever the game throws at you, và prevent you from having to put an unequipped character in danger.
How lớn improve sầu motivation in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
One extremely important variable in Fire Emblem: Three Houses is motivation. This factor applies lớn everyone in your roster & determines how much they can be taught during a lecture. Motivation ranges from zero to lớn 100, & is represented by a face next to lớn the student’s name. A green face indicates full motivation, while a xanh face indicates no motivation at all. Each time you teach a student a skill, it uses up 25 motivation. If you want to get the most out of your lectures, here are a few things you can vị khổng lồ improve student motivation.
Rest: You don’t want khổng lồ choose this option too often at the end of each calendar week because you can miss out on opportunities to improve relationships & hone your student’s abilities (as well as your own), but occasionally choosing Rest will increase the Motivation of everyone on your roster. It won’t be maxed out, but it will be enough for instruction during your lecture the following day.
Praise, console, or criticize: During a lecture, if a student does particularly poorly, you can either console or criticize them. Choose the option that best fits the character’s personality và you can regain some lost motivation. If they get a “perfect” rating in the lecture, you can also praise them for a motivation boost.
Dine: Choosing lớn dine with two characters on your roster will use up an activity point, but it will also improve your relationship with them & increase their motivation.
Gift: Giving students gifts they like raises their motivation, but a thoughtful gift that appeals to their taste, will raise it more. If the receiver isn’t particularly enthused about their gift, it won’t raise their motivation at all. Gifts are another way lớn improve sầu the relationship between you & another character.
Lost Items: Finding lost items & returning them boosts the motivation and of the item’s owner, & increases the relationship between both of you.
Good Advice: Students will come to lớn you with questions about their work, & if you provide solid advice, it will raise their motivation.
Combat tips and tricks for Fire Emblem: Three Houses
When you aren’t socializing with your students or giving lectures in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, you’ll be battling in turn-based missions. Your own party is always given the first turn of each mission, and you must direct your units where to go, as well as whether they should attaông chồng enemies, heal allies, trade items, or complete another objective sầu.
Your units’ available moving distance is determined primarily by their class. Cavalry units & flying units can move sầu farther each turn than other classes, with heavily-armored classes having the least mobility. For most melee characters, you will need lớn be adjacent to an enemy in order lớn attachồng. If you purchase a throwable weapon such as a javelin, mace, or hand-axe cộ to lớn wield alongside your lance, gauntlet, or axe, then you’re afforded another space between you and the enemy. Bow-wielding characters must also be one space away, unless you’re using a mini-bow which allows for close-range attacks. As for Magic-users, they can typically attachồng from either range. As you progress in the game, you may come across special weapons that offer a bit more range, as well.
Dealing damage và protecting your party
The amount of damage you bởi vì in combat is determined by several factors, including a unit’s strength, magical ability, & the weapon or spell they are using. Before you confirm an attachồng on an enemy, the UI will show you how much damage you will vày, the percentage chance you have sầu of landing your attaông xã, as well as how much damage you will likely take. A critical hit chance is also listed. If you lvà a critical hit, your attack will vày three times its normal damage.
You must always position your units based on the type of enemies you are facing. Heavily-armored knights and fighters might be great against melee units, but if they go up against a magic user, they will be torched. In order lớn make sure this doesn’t happen, hit the ZR button on your controller và you will be shown the exact range of all enemies on a given maps. Put your most capable defender at the very edge of it with everyone else just out of range, and you can draw enemies in to then be picked off by the rest of the group.
As characters progress with weapons và skills, they will also gain additional “combat arts.” These powerful abilities come at the cost of your weapon’s durability, but can khuyễn mãi giảm giá massive sầu damage. Some of them simply add more damage onto lớn your attaông chồng, while others excel against those on horsebachồng or in heavy armor.
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