Report of the chief of engineers u

I assume this prevents imessages and sms messages from working because they are not going through, unless she has wifi signal.

She does not have 3g service so if she wanted lớn skết thúc an iMessaage without wifi signal, the phone should automatically switch to sms... và it doesn"t.

All messaging settings are on: iMesages and Send as SMS.

I tried my sim from my iPhone 4 on 5.0.1 on her phone and get UNKNOWN number as well.

Tried her syên ổn on my phone & her number shows. So it"s definitely an issue with her phone.

Any ideas how khổng lồ fix this.

Bạn đang đọc: Report of the chief of engineers u

User profile for user: kvs008

Hey guys I had the same problem & there is such a simple fix to lớn it.

1. Turn on Airplane Mode - You will notice that you can not access your phone settings while airplane mode is on.

2. Turn off Airplane Mode & Immediately go lớn your phone settings và click on the unknown number tab & you will be able to lớn manually enter your number. After this you should also get a message from imessage saying that you might be charged some amout or something like that. Say okay and you are all phối lớn go. Hopefully this helps for regular messaging also, my regualr messaging was already working only imessage was going through my email & not as my no. Enjoy!!!

User protệp tin for user: randers4

Long shot, but you could try resetting network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings. (This will also remove passwords for all previously joined wifi networks.)

User profile for user: Hydrex

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User profile for user: kvs008

Hey guys I had the same problem and there is such a simple fix lớn it.

1. Turn on Airplane Mode - You will notice that you can not access your phone settings while airplane mode is on.

2. Turn off Airplane Mode và Immediately go to lớn your phone settings & clichồng on the unknown number tab và you will be able to manually enter your number. After this you should also get a message from imessage saying that you might be charged some amout or something lượt thích that. Say okay & you are all phối to go. Hopefully this helps for regular messaging also, my regualr messaging was already working only imessage was going through my gmail and not as my no. Enjoy!!!

User protệp tin for user: allanes5

Wow, thank you sooo much for your completly helpful answer.

It fixed it!!! Worked lie a charm!!

I had practically given up.

Everybody toàn thân on all the forums I posted this question would only suggest restoring as a possible fix.

Thats does not worked for me on iPhone 5 iOS 6, sometoàn thân told me lớn put he syên pn another iPhone where could change the number in sertings & then put on the actually iPhone you uses... But not sure for now, still waiting for the syên ổn cards adapters...

After switching from ATT to lớn T-Mobile I had the same problem. I was told it has khổng lồ do with the number being ported and that it would take at least 24 hours. Then I tried all kinds of remedies like turning iMessage on & off, resetting network settings and so on. Nothing worked và as a result MMS did not work. Today I simply took the SIM thẻ out while the phone was on & about 15 seconds later put it back in. The number immediately showed and all is fine now.

Hey people this is what greatlt helped me." As far as the number being shown "UNKNOWN" was there, i pulled out my slặng card for about trăng tròn seconds & then put it in again. It promptly showed my number in the settings>phone>my number.NOW activating imessage and facetime was quite frustrating, it kept on saying lớn wait & showing error some times. What i did was made a hotline from my iphone khổng lồ someone và then clicked on Facetime. It said " Activating " on the Call screen. Then facetime was there working. I want to lớn Settings>Messages,,,it also activated my iMessages. Now both are working smoothly. I hope it may help you if you encounter any problem regarding it.
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