Bạn đang đọc: Pokemon ruby download
a game by | Nintendo |
Genre: | Action |
Platform: | GBA |
Editor Rating: | 8.3/10, based on 2 đánh giá |
User Rating: | 7.7/10 - 54 votes |
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![]() ![]() ![]() As part of the first Pokétháng generation for the trò chơi Boy Advance, Pokétháng Ruby certainly had a great deal to live sầu up khổng lồ. The series had gone from strength khổng lồ strength on the Game Boy và Game Boy màu sắc, but now things were looking lớn get more advanced as the series jumped lớn Nintendo’s 32-bit handheld. Welcome To HoennThe setting for Pokétháng Ruby is the region that is known as Hoenn. This is actually based on nhật bản & it has a real isl& kind of theme to lớn it that I like. The architecture và so on makes it stvà out from the Pokétháng games that came before it. As far as the actual story of Pokétháng Ruby goes, you probably know what khổng lồ expect here as it is all about proving your worth. ![]() There is, of course, more to lớn it than that, but at the end of the day you still want khổng lồ enter the Pokémon League, you still want gym badges và you still want to capture as many Pokétháng as you can. You start off as you always bởi vì by selecting your starter Pokémon. The three on offer here are Treecko, Torchic, & Mudkip. Out of these three I like Torchic best, but I will be honest & say that these are my least favorite Pokémon starters of any game. What Is New?At first glance, some may not think that Pokétháng Ruby changed things up all that much, but it actually did add in some really cool features. The one that is most obvious is the Double Battles. Having two Pokémon fighting side by side to lớn take down two other Pokétháng is not only awesome from a concept point of view. It also requires you to lớn really think about what you are doing in battle as things are more complex now. Another interesting new thing is called Pokémon Contest. Here you need to lớn not just worry about “battling” you need to put on a show for the judges and show them exactly what your prized Pokémon can vày. These are way more fun than you would think and are a great addition to lớn the game. More Unique PokémonOf course, with each Pokétháng game comes a bunch of new Pokétháng, but here they are extra special. They have given each Pokémon a very special ability & this is not only just cool. It can also have sầu a great effect on the way battles can go. Each special ability has a purpose và knowing when lớn use it at the right time can make all the difference in the world. What About Those Extra Bits?The trò chơi Boy Advance is much more powerful the trò chơi Boy Màu sắc, but Pokétháng Ruby does not really take full advantage of that. Sure, it looks noticeably better than games like Pokétháng Gold và Silver did on the Game Boy màu sắc, but for 32-bit hardware, the presentation could have sầu been just a tad more ambitious if you ask me. For the first game in the series on the trò chơi Boy Advance, I feel that Nintenvày và Game Freak did a great job. While I vày wish the presentation was a bit better, as a game this is one awesome Pokémon adventure & well worth checking out. After this the series really went from strength lớn strength in my opinion. 8.5/10 Pros: The new setting is very cool Many of the new Pokémon have sầu a lot of charm to lớn them Double Pokétháng means double the fun! I liked trying khổng lồ impress the judges It has that addictive sầu Pokétháng gameplay!Cons: Nothing really groundbreaking in terms of the storyThey could have sầu used the power of the GBA just a tad more for the visualsreggie posted a review Chuyên mục: Games |