Fix Lỗi Internet Download Manager Has Been Registered With A Fake Serial Number

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Not không lấy phí as other tải về accelerators, IDM only allows users to lớn use for 30 days. However, there are still pirated versions with fake license keys, và when users use them, Internet tải về Manager will report Internet download Manager errors that have been registered with a kém chất lượng serial number or serial number has been blocked.

Bạn đang đọc: Fix lỗi internet download manager has been registered with a fake serial number

However, sometimes such "pirated" versions are the main cause of many Internet download Manager users - IDM and are reported lớn be fake serial numbers:

Internet tải về Manager has been registered with a fake Serial Number or the Serial number has been blocked . IDM is exiting .

This is not a serious error, but it is sometimes quite troublesome. In this article we will learn how to handle this error without using any other tools or software.

4 ways to fix "IDM has been registered with a fake Serial Number":

How to lớn fix idm kém chất lượng serial error

Method 1: Fix in IDM"s installation file:

First, you need khổng lồ disable Internet download Manager completely , by right-clicking on the IDM icon in the taskbar , then selecting Exit.

Next, find the thư mục containing the installation file of Internet tải về Manager. You can find the following link:

C: Program Files (x86) Internet tải về Manager

Look lớn the right window, find the tệp tin named "IDMGrHlp.exe" or "IDMGrHlp", now you can rename the file khổng lồ whatever name you want, or simply, delete it ( It is best lớn delete it for convenience).

However, this step has not been considered complete. Because when you delete or rename the IDMGrHlp file, every time you start IDM for use, it will receive a message: "IDM cannot find a tệp tin that is necessary for browser và system integration. Please reinstall IDM". Continue to bởi vì the following:

Find the tệp tin named "idmBroker" & copy another file.

Rename the copied file lớn the same name as the file name just deleted. As in this tutorial, we rename the file "idmBroker - Copy" khổng lồ " IDMGrHlp". Then Enter to save it.

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Method 2: Change the value in the Registry:

Open the Start / Run dialog box ( or press the Windows + R shortcut to open Run), enter the Regedit tìm kiếm box , then press OK or Enter:

When the Registry Editor window appears, look for the following link:


Looking lớn the right window, you will see:

File "CheckUpdtVm"Double-click the file and change the default value in the "Value data" box from "10" lớn "0".Click OK khổng lồ save.

Method 3: Modify the host file:

Go khổng lồ "My Computer" , select drive C: & find the host file according khổng lồ the path:

C: WindowsSystem32driversetc

Open this file with "Notepad" or any Text editing program, then copy the following paragraph below the bottom, và "Save" again.

Method 4: Edit in IDMGrHlp file:

Also in the Internet tải về Manager installation folder, select the "IDMGrHlp" file, then right-click & click "Properties".

In the next window, you vị the following:

Select the "Security" tab .In the "Group or user names" section , click on User (User Name Users).Click on "Edit".

In the "Permissions for IDMGrHlp" interface , look at "Permissions for ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" , in the "Deny" column, select the first "Full control" box , then "Apply" & "OK" to lớn complete. Socks.

So you"ve got 4 tips lớn fix "IDM giả Fake Number" error. After you"ve done something, you need to restart Internet tải về Manager khổng lồ see the results. With these tips, make sure your tải về acceleration tool will no longer show the original notifications. Or besides, you can refer to và use other không tính phí download acceleration support software.

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