Bạn sẽ xem: Rider hero series 22 kamen rider cross
Bạn đang đọc: Kamen rider cross z
Xem thêm: Cách Fix Lỗi Crash Minecraft, Forge, Sửa Lỗi Mod Trong Minecraft
Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma"s packaging is every bit as fiery as his name suggests, with the box done up in a blazing red và orange colourscheme that perfectly compliments the suit itself. As well as a nice image of the figure on the front along with the name there"s also a small chemical string tucked away in the vị trí cao nhất corner, with a D for "Dragon" written on it just as all the other Build figures have had for their respective bottles. The back of the box has the usual stock images against a plain trắng backdrop, và then inside the figure is stored on a clear plastic clamshell tray. Though the box retains the same smaller width Figuarts packaging has been using for the past few years, it is a little deeper than usual lớn accommodate the wings on the back of the body.If there"s one thing that the three previous Cross-Z forms all had in common, it was that they all utilised relatively cool colours. Sure the normal & Great Cross-Z featured some warmer colours as a highlight, but the predominate colour on them all was blue. Hardly a colour suited for someone as hot-headed as Banjou, so when it comes lớn Cross-Z"s fiery ensemble it doesn"t just feel a lot more fitting - it completely stands apart from all of his previous releases. The undersuit of the figure uses a pearly metallic paint highly reminiscent of the ones previously used on Kamen Rider Gaim"s Energy Riders, which goes beautifully with the deeper metallic paints used for the armoured sections. Those of course are complimented by the charcoal black sections, which not only cement the magma look perfectly but also help the finer details of the thiết kế stand out against that sea of bright colours. It"s the kind of design that sounds lượt thích it should be unbelievably gaudy, but completely comes together. But I think my favourite aspect of this suit is just how overboard they went on the whole rồng motif. On đứng đầu of the rồng head crest (complete with flaming nostrils which form the compound eyes) there"s a long faces on the chest, shoulder pads, forearms, knee caps và shins as well as those huge "Pyro Wings" jutting out of the back. Dragon-themed Riders aren"t exactly short in supply but they just completely went to town on this, and combined with the magma colour scheme it results in one of the most striking Riders there"s been in recent years.The base Build body toàn thân has had solid articulation throughout all of its releases thus far, so it"s no surprise lớn see that Cross-Z Magma is more of the same without much in the way of change. Altogether the figure sports a ball jointed head và neck, ball hinge shoulders and shoulder pads, bicep swivels, double hinge elbows, ball jointed wrists, ball jointed torso và waist segments, "drop down" ball jointed hips, upper leg swivels, double hinge knees, hinged ankle rockers & finally hinged toe caps. Contrary khổng lồ what you might think the wings don"t have any sort of articulation, but somehow don"t ever get in the way of the arms or any kích hoạt poses you might think up. Every joint is nice & smooth, especially the leg swivels which are usually fairly stiff on a Figuart straight out of the box. As a heavily physical fighter Kamen Rider Cross-Z is a character that especially requires an expressive figure, và Bandai have definitely delivered in that regard.The Kamen Rider Build range has varied wildly when it comes to lớn the amount of accessories they include – some have come with next lớn nothing, while others have gone so far lớn be billed as a double-pack with their own quality effect parts. Unfortunately Cross-Z Magma falls on the poorer kết thúc of that scale, especially when you consider that its main accessory is plugged into the Driver and thus technically part of the figure anyway. The figure comes with two additional pairs of hands (a pair of open hands, và a pair of gripping hands for turning the Driver"s crank or holding the other forms" weapons) và a functioning long Fist Magma Knuckle, which can be removed from the Build Driver và held by the figure to be used as a knuckleduster weapon. To change it into weapon mode, simply push the handle backwards khổng lồ sit behind the body, remove the front panels and reattach them to lớn cover the Fullbottle in the centre và create a proper knuckle shape. It"s a small but really nicely detailed (not to mention unique) weapon, fitting snugly into the figure"s hands as well as any of the other Cross-Z forms you might have lying around. Because of its size it does leave a little lớn be desired as far as accessories go though. Would it have killed Bandai lớn pack the Beat Crosser in with this figure as well? & if not, maybe some flame effects just so it packs a bit more of a punch? There were a few different options Bandai could have gone for here, but it feels lượt thích they just assumed buyers will already have Banjou"s other forms and just potentially use bits of those. If you"re (usually) lượt thích me và only limiting lớn one version of a character, you over up losing out. The Magma Knuckle plugs into the Build Driver pretty firmly, và should it ever pop out at least it"s a lot easier khổng lồ locate than the tiny Fullbottles released with these figures are. On the subject of Fullbottles this figure comes with two – a standard gold long Magma Fullbottle preloaded into the knuckle, and the đen "burnt" variant that Banjou carried around until his Hazard màn chơi was high enough to unlock its power. A fairly superfluous inclusion in the grand scheme of things, but since they had the mould it makes sense lớn include both versions of it khổng lồ cover as many bases as possible. Either Fullbottle can be plugged into the top of the Knuckle, and as the Build Driver is the same as the one on previous releases they can also both be plugged directly into the belt itself simultaneously. With four different figures lớn choose from collectors are spoilt for choice when it comes to lớn Kamen Rider Cross-Z, but given how well his final size went down in the show this is probably the one many have been waiting for. S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Cross-Z is one of the best looking Kamen Rider Figuarts outside of the Shinkocchou Seihou line, combining the usual màn chơi of high quality sculpting with a colour scheme that immediately makes it stick out no matter what figure you put it with. The lack of accessories is annoying (especially when some of the things it could have come with have already been produced), but it"s a problem that seems to be plaguing most Figuarts now. This is a beautiful figure that has the rare unique of making the onscreen suit look even better, & no lack of accessories can ever take that away from it.Juan Adityasaid...
Are you gonna nhận xét the original S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Cross-Z soon?