New fish simulator Feed and Grow!
Hunt other fish and sea creatures, feed and grow inlớn larger beasts!Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor & straight away you are ready khổng lồ dive sầu in to the mesmerizing world of Feed và Grow.
Bạn đang đọc: Feed and grow: fish
At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer & that"s the main reason for the Early Access. We want to lớn test it together with you and make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish và sea creatures, abilities & passives. Chechồng it out now!
Controls & basics
It"s quite simple, swim around, look for food & eat it. You might have sầu khổng lồ kill it first though.
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Описание скоро
Hunt other fish & sea creatures, feed & grow inlớn larger beasts!Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor và straight away you are ready to dive in khổng lồ the mesmerizing world of Feed và Grow.
At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer and that"s the main reason for the Early Access. We want to lớn chạy thử it together with you and make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish and sea creatures, abilities và passives. Cheông chồng it out now!
Controls & basics
It"s quite simple, swlặng around, look for food và eat it. You might have to lớn kill it first though.
Should we add another tip? Tell us in đánh giá or forums on Steam!
Beschreibung bald verfügbar
Hunt other fish and sea creatures, feed và grow into lớn larger beasts!Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor and straight away you are ready to dive sầu in to lớn the mesmerizing world of Feed & Grow.
At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer and that"s the main reason for the Early Access. We want khổng lồ chạy thử it together with you và make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish & sea creatures, abilities & passives. Chechồng it out now!
Controls và basics
It"s quite simple, swyên ổn around, look for food and eat it. You might have sầu to lớn kill it first though.
Should we add another tip? Tell us in reviews or forums on Steam!
Opis już wkrótce
Hunt other fish và sea creatures, feed & grow inlớn larger beasts!Feed và Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor & straight away you are ready to dive sầu in to lớn the mesmerizing world of Feed and Grow.
At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer và that"s the main reason for the Early Access. We want to demo it together with you & make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish & sea creatures, abilities & passives. Cheông xã it out now!
Controls & basics
It"s quite simple, swlặng around, look for food and eat it. You might have sầu to lớn kill it first though.
Should we add another tip? Tell us in reviews or forums on Steam!
Nová hra o rybkách – simulátor Feed and Grow
Vydaj sa na lov rýb a ďalších morských tvorov a staň sa väčšou rybou! Feed and Grow: Fish je zvierací simulátor o prežitie v úžasnom podmorskom svete. Začínaš ako Bibos alebo Raptor a hneď môžeš skočiť bởi vì fantastického sveta Feed & Grow.
Momentálne je hra dostupná cez Steam na Early Access. Bude zahŕňať multiplayer a to lớn je aj hlavný dôvod pre Early Access. Chceme ju otestovať spolu s vamày a spraviť ju ešte úžasnejšiu s novýngươi hernými mechanikamày, novýmày hrateľnými rybkangươi a morskými tvormày, schopnosťami a pasívkami. Beta verzia by mala výjsť v priebehu Vianoc 2015!
Ovládanie a základy hry
Veľmi jednoduché, plávaj po svete, hľadaj jedlo a zjedz ho. Možno ho však budeš musieť najprv zabiť.
Mali by sme pridať ďalší tip? Napíš nám mãng cầu Steame!
Nová hra o rybkách – simulátor Feed và Grow
Vydej se mãng cầu lov ryb a dalších morských tvorů a staň se větší rybou! Feed & Grow: Fish je zvířecí simulátor o přežití v úžasným podmořským světe. Začínáš jako Bibos nebo Raptor a hned můžeš skočit bởi vì fantastických vod Feed & Grow.
Xem thêm: tai game gta v
Momentálně je hra dostupná cez Steam v Early Access. Bude v ní multiplayer a lớn je taky hlavní důvod pro Early Access. Chceme jí otestovat spolu s váma a spravit ju ješte úžasnejší s novýmày hernýmày mechaniky, novýma hratelnýma rybkama a mořskýma tvorma, schopnostma a pasívkamày. Beta verzie by mala vyjít v průběhu Vánoc 2015.
Ovládaní a základy hry
Velice jednoduché, plávej po světe, hledej jídlo a sněz ho. Možná ho však budeš muphối nejprve sầu zabít.
Měli by jsme přidať další tip? Napíš nám mãng cầu Steamu!
Love sầu it! I find it khổng lồ be extremely fun, & I cannot wait till multiplayer"s out!
A very chất lượng twist khổng lồ the survival game. I really enjoyed the game & got fairly high in cấp độ.
Really a great game, and great idea. i can"t wait for multiplayers mode. 5/5
Feed & Grow is a br& new game based in an amazing sea world. You play as a fish và your goal is khổng lồ hunt other fish. As the name goes, feed and grow! :)
In development
The game is in the early development stage at the moment and we have sầu fun plans for it. Ahy vọng the most anticipated updates is the multiplayer version (and, boy our local network thử nghiệm version is soooo much fun :) ). Stay tuned for more updates, coming very very soon.
Meet the bros
Feed và Grow game is made by a team of two brothers, Robert (programming), Dominik (graphics), we"re from Slovakia (EU). Any reply or message is directly from us and we"re excited lớn meet you all in Feed and Grow world :)
The whole game is custom made by us, from the idea through graphics, 3D models, gameplay physics to lớn the trang web here :)
Multiplayer version release date?
Fingers crossed (or fingers on the keyboard :) in December 2015 :) We"re working hard to lớn get it all up và ready.
If there"s anything you want khổng lồ tell us, we"re more than happy lớn hear from you - gmail, Facebook or GameJolt are pretty fine to lớn contact us :) & we value every word from you, guys.
Also, we want khổng lồ say a big thanks to the amazing crowd at GameJolt, all the tín đồ videos, commenters on multiple sites for their great help, tips và awesome support so far!

Feed và Grow: Fish
Animal survival PC game in an amazing undersea world
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Chuyên mục: Games