Oxford advanced learner's dictionary

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for learners of English

Oxford University Press

Designed for ipad

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The world’s bestselling advanced-level dictionary for learners of English, in an app!Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th edition builds English vocabulary better than ever before & leads the way khổng lồ more confident, successful communication in English.This miễn phí download includes 100 sample entries from the new Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 10th edition.

Bạn đang đọc: Oxford advanced learner's dictionary

To gain access to lớn the full tiện ích with all features, please open the app and select the Catalogue tab to subscribe for 1 month, 1 year, or 4 years. Lớn try a 2-day trial of the full phầm mềm for free, simply open the app and select ‘Free 2-day trial’ within the Catalogue tab. With the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th edition app, you can...Expand your vocabulary and develop more natural sounding English• Over 86,000 words, 95,000 phrases, 112,000 meanings and 237,000 examples, including 2,000+ NEW words và meanings.• Access the full A-Z offline to lớn learn on the go wherever you are.• Usage notes help you produce more natural sounding English, e.g.

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Is it 'borrow' or 'lend'? The 'Which word?' note explains.• Learn synonyms, collocations (words which go together) & everyday expressions.• tìm kiếm for & study phrasal verbs và idioms.• NEW Learn the Oxford 3000™ and Oxford 5000™, graded by CEFR level.• NEW Learn OPAL (Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon) academic vocabulary.• NEW Word of the Day every day, which you can cốt truyện with your friends.• Learn lists of related vocabulary with pre-loaded Favourites folders on a range of issues, including the environment, social issues và politics.• NEW chạy thử your vocabulary with the fun quiz feature.• Colour illustrations to aid comprehension & enrich your vocabulary.Get added listening practice và improve your pronunciation• Listen lớn real voice audio for words và example sentences, in both British và American accents.• Practise pronunciation - listen lớn the real voice audio for words, record yourself and then play it back to compare. • NEW Listen khổng lồ English words from other countries around the world recorded by native speakers.Find exactly what you want quickly & easily• Full text tìm kiếm - find your word, idiom, phrasal verb, or example sentence anywhere in the dictionary.• Tap any word in an entry to lớn instantly look it up.• Look up words directly from many popular ulmrave.com, such as Safari.Organise & personalize your favourite entries• Create lists of your favourite entries, and create folders và subfolders to lớn store them.• Export your Favourite lists và History list.

We’ve added new words and meanings to the dictionary! From ‘superspreader’ to ‘self-isolate’ và from ‘JOMO’ khổng lồ ‘Gen Z’, we’re keeping OALD as up to date as possible.In addition, we’ve created a widget so that you can see the OALD Word of the Day on your home screen (iOS 14 and above). If you have ideas for improvements lớn the widget, please let us know.And lastly, in response to lớn your feedback we have improved the audio chất lượng for spoken words and sentences in the ứng dụng to make them as clear as possible. We hope you like this update!

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